Talk Like A Pirate Day 2016 – Live UTC Recording in Burbank, CA!
What are you doing for Talk Like A Pirate Day? If you’re anywhere near Burbank, CA, join us for the very first live Under The Crossbones at Story Tavern!
The event is hosted by Pirate Art Dept and they’ve taken over the Story Tavern for the day and invited me to record a show live. We’re finalizing some cool guests and it should be a great event. Or a total disaster. I’ve never done one of these before. 🙂
Here’s the deets:
Date: Monday Sept. 19th (Talk Like A Pirate Day!)
Place: Story Tavern
Address: 150 S. San Fernando Blvd, Burbank, CA
Time: 4:30 pm
No cover charge!
If you’re not joining us live, the episode will arrive in your feed on Tuesday the 20th just like always. I’ll be staying up late on the 19th to get it all finished and uploaded for you. 🙂
And if you’d like to do some catch up on the origins of Talk Like A Pirate Day, be sure to listen to my interview with Mark “Cap’n Slappy” Summers and John “Ol Chumbucket” Baur, Creators of Talk Like a Pirate Day.